A transition service agreement is a contract wherein the seller in a mergers and acquisition transaction is expected to provide continuing services in support of the post-closing company. Such services may include IT, HR, accounting, and other infrastructure support. An agreement to provide such service is common when the buyer lacks the system or management capabilities to absorb the acquisition on their own, but the seller does not. This situation may occur when a larger company sells off a division to a buyer with less infrastructural sophistication, such as a new company that has not had to time to establish such capabilities.
Transitional service agreements can be very hard to manage if not properly defined. One can have a transitional service agreement that is a brief, back-office administrative service agreement where the fees will be set in the future and require no formal standards of performance, or one can have a comprehensive agreement with a well-defined scope, service level, fee arrangement, and data security/privacy provision. A poorly drafted service agreement can result in disputes between the two parties regarding the level of services that should be provided. An effective transitional service agreement should be sure to cover the following key points:
Additional points to cover should also include:
Such details should be worked out by the concerned parties as early on in the negotiation process as possible, with the ideal timeframe being in the due diligence phase.
Benefits of a properly implemented transition service agreement include:
Because a transition service agreement is but one component of a merger and acquisition deal, it will usually not include, or only have the most basic provisions for the following:
Another important aspect to consider with transition service agreements is data confidentiality. Although most transition service agreements will include provisions for confidentiality, these are rarely sufficient to establish true data security. What both parties need to understand is that their relationship to one another will have fundamentally changed with the consummation of such a transition service agreement. Thus, security and data protection should be treated similarly to how it would be in an outsourcing relationship, and in such cases numerous countries that have data protection laws will require consent for the disclosure of personal information to third parties.
Depending on what type of information could be shared, including other requirements pertaining to the collection, protection, use, and disclosure of data could also be useful. This might include:
Such requirements from third-party entities might include implementation of such security measures as:
If you need help understanding data security or any other aspect of the transition service agreement, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.