Personal Property Assessment

The Commissioner of the Revenue is responsible for the assessment of all personal property with taxable status in Mecklenburg County. Virginia state law requires Commissioners of the Revenue to use a recognized pricing guide to assess vehicles for personal property tax. Mecklenburg County uses the July 1 Eastern Edition of JD Power Valuation Services.

If the model and year of a vehicle is not listed in the recognized pricing guide, the law permits the vehicle to be valued on the basis of percentage of the original cost, to reflect fair market value. Fair market value to not fall below Mecklenburg County's minimum value of $575.00

Personal Property Tax

Personal Property Tax is levied each fiscal year on all motor vehicles, trailers, campers, singlewide mobile homes, motorcycles, boats, and airplanes with "situs" in the county. A vehicle has situs for taxation in the county, or if it is registered to a county address with the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

Personal property taxes are due December 5th and June 5th.


If bringing a camper into Mecklenburg County that will be here more than six months, the camper must be titled with Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles in your name with Mecklenburg County as the garage jurisdiction.

If the camper will be staying in a campground, you must check with the campground for their regulations.

For campers that will be set up in a campground or on a parcel of land, please contact the Zoning Permits and Building Inspection Offices for regulations regarding campers.

Once you have completed the titling process and checked with all parties regarding regulations, please come to or call the Personal Property Office (434) 738-6191 ext.4272 to complete the necessary paperwork to begin the process to obtain Zoning and Building Permits.

Mobile Homes

Prior to moving any mobile home into Mecklenburg County please contact the Zoning Permits and Building Inspection Offices first for regulations regarding mobile homes.

If the mobile home will be in a mobile home park, you must check with them for their regulations.

If you are moving a Singlewide or Doublewide Mobile Home into Mecklenburg County it must be titled with Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles in your name with Mecklenburg County as the garage jurisdiction.

Once you have completed the titling process and checked with all parties regarding regulations, please come to or call the Personal Property Office (434) 738-6191 ext. 4272 to complete the necessary paperwork to begin the process to obtain Zoning and Building Permits.

If you need more assistance please contact our office.