When you use words (direct quotes) or ideas (paraphrases) from other authors in your paper, you must note them with in-text citations. With APA style, in-text citations can be parenthetical (enclosed in parentheses) or narrative (the author name is incorporated as part of the text). In both styles, the author’s last name and the year of publication must appear in the sentence.
One scholar argued that it is impossible to measure social class (Calvert, 1982).
Calvert (1982) argued that it is impossible to measure social class. For more information, see the links below. See chart with examples for multiple authors, group authors and sources with no publication date.TIP: Library databases will format citations for you. When you find a good article, always make sure to copy and paste the citation! If you are using other sources, like books or websites, you can follow the format examples below or use a citation generator like Citation Machine.
Enter your source information and Citation Machine will format it into APA style.APA Format | |
eBook | Gotz, G. (2012). Global change: Interviews with leading climate scientists. Springer. https:// doi.org/10.1007/978 - 3 - 642 - 23444 - 6 |
Webpage with Author | Boyd, V. (2012, January 15). About Zora Neale Hurston. Zora Neale Hurston. http://zoranealehurston.com/about/ |
Webpage -No Author | Kaiser Health News. (2009, July 23). Rural Americans and the unemployed struggle to get adequate health insurance. http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/Daily - Reports/2009/July/23/Rural - America.aspx |
Online Newspaper | Hunter, J.D. (2019, April 14). Pressure cooker: A Tiger Woods recipe. The Oregonian. https://www.oregonlive.com/sports/2019/04/pressure-cooker-a-tiger-woods-recipe-commentary.html |
Online Journal | Kelley, H., & Betsalel, K. (2004). Mind's fire: Language, power, and representations of stroke. Anthropology & Humanism, 29(2), 104-116. http://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/&28ISSN%291548-1409 |